Finham Park Multi Academy Trust is consulting on the admissions policy for Meadow Park
School for September 2024. The consultation will take place from 5th December 2022 until
31st January 2023 in which the proposed policy will be posted in full on the website of the
school and Coventry City Council. The school will also consult through letters to parents;
primary and secondary Headteachers. During this time the school’s Local Governing Board
would welcome comments on the proposed policy, all of which will be carefully considered
prior to the final submission of the policy to Coventry City Council in February 2022.

The only change from the current Policy is a proposed decrease in Published Admissions
Number (PAN) from 180 to 150 for Year 7 cohort of 2024. This is a return to the historic
PAN that served the community around the school very successfully in the past. The
decision to raise the PAN from 150 to 180 was made by previous school leaders in 2017/18
and we believe a reduction in size would be beneficial for the school and community.

The decision to consult on this reduction in PAN relates to our commitment to ongoing
school improvement. It is our view that the current building is restrictive in its capacity to
allow so many students to move around the site comfortably in appropriately sized
communal spaces.

We believe a smaller school will benefit all students in keeping with our values of: Nurturing
Excellence; Growing Aspirations; and Thriving Together at Meadow Park School.

Anyone wishing to respond to the proposals should contact Mrs Angela Carr, Clerk to
Governors (Meadow Park School)