Home Thriving Together
Personal Development
To prepare students for adult life by delivering a wide and rich set of experiences whilst promoting opportunities that allow students to thrive together.
To grow aspirations which support our students to become educated, inspired and motivated citizens, fully prepared for their next stage in education and ready to take their place in the world.
To nurture excellence, confidence and resilience for all students by reducing barriers to participation, so all students have equal opportunities in our provision.
Our school is an inclusive environment that allows students to be active participants in their own personal development. The personal development of our students is implemented through lessons, assemblies, tutor activities, extra-curricular activities, enrichment events, trips and student leadership. The provision gives every child the opportunity to gain an understanding of their own responsibilities and their place in the wider world. Equality of opportunity allows our students to thrive together and understand that difference is positive and individual characteristics make people unique. Our school values are underpinned by a knowledge of the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance. We are committed to providing a high-quality education that ensures every child is able to fulfil their potential. We encourage our students to have resilience and provide them with the information they need to know to keep themselves mentally and physically healthy and maintain an active lifestyle. Our values encourage our students to behave with integrity and be responsible and respectful active citizens who are able to play their part in our community and provide them with readiness for their next phase in life.