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Exam and Revision Support
Welcome to the Meadow Park’s Exam and Revision Support page
We understand that the journey towards achieving excellent grades in GCSEs, BTECs and A-Levels can be both exciting and challenging for students and their parents. That’s why we’ve created this online resource, designed specifically to support and empower you throughout the revision and exam preparation process.
Whether you’re a student getting ready to tackle your GCSEs or a Sixth Form student aiming for top marks, our goal is to provide you with useful links, strategies, and guidance that you will need to excel academically. From subject-specific revision tips to effective study techniques, we have a range of information and keep checking back as we will update this space regularly.
At Meadow Park we understand that successful exam preparation goes beyond mere memorisation. Our approach is focused on fostering a deep understanding of the subjects, developing critical thinking skills, and building the confidence necessary to tackle any exam question. We’re here to help you not only pass your exams but also thrive academically.
On our website you will find:
To ensure that our Year 11 students are prepared for their ‘mock’ exams we ensure they mirror the actual exams in the summer as closely as we possibly can. To provide support and guidance for your child in the weeks before these exams, we will be reminding them in assemblies about how to revise and prepare for the examination period.
As part of this process, we will be providing students with revision timetable templates so that they can ensure that they are fully prepared to perform in the exams. A solid revision timetable not only guarantees students cover everything they need to, in time for the exam; but it also breaks everything down into more manageable chunks. See below for a range of revision timetable options.
Effective Study Strategies Video
Revision guides can be purchased at a discounted price from the school via parent pay. The guides will be available to purchase at certain points during the year and you will be made aware of when this is.
The guides available from school and their prices (subject to change from the publishing company) are listed here.
JCQ Information for Candidates
Exam Expectations at Meadow Park